Bubble Innovation Opportunities

Looking at the NBA bubble, I see so many opportunities for startups and companies to create things that will enhance the fan experience.

How will the NBA regain the money lost from not having fans during the playoffs? Is this the new normal?

No one knows what the future holds for the NBA.

Some of the ideas I have for the bubble are below:

  • Virtual Reality
    • The experience of courtside seats should be accessible to everyone.
  • Augmented Reality
    • Putting more graphics on the court and letting fans do the same through their phone, iPad, or head-mounted displays.
  • Artificial Intelligence
    • Develop AI that enables individuals to bet instantaneously on circumstances in the game. It would make it more fun.
  • Blockchain
    • They should have a way to track information on individuals who are viewing the game and also have the ability to then interact with that consumer in some way.
  • Virtual Ticket
    • The NBA can have more virtual fans than what you see right now. They can have a virtual fan constantly changing or have room for more people. I have plenty of ideas for the virtual experience.

These are just a few of the ideas I have for enhancing the bubble. I think they have done an excellent job, but there is always room for improvement.