Coding moves 101

This is our Director of Basketball Operations Adrian doing one of his drills to show his athletes again. We created a game to show how to create the list of moves Adrian is doing using python. I look forward to hearing everyones feedback.

BTE Trainer Coding Game

Game: How do you play? First, we have to teach you the rules.

  • BTE Sequence = BTE Combo X Number of times the combo was done

  • The BTE Dribble Score has three different ways of calculation that is dependent on if the combo is a one, two, or three dribble sequence

    • BTE Dribble Score = (BTE dribble#) X Number of times the combo was done
    • BTE Dribble Score = (BTE dribble# + BTE dribble#) X Number of times the combo was done
    • BTE Dribble Score = (BTE dribble# + BTE dribble# + BTE dribble#) X Number of times the combo was done

Dribble Tree

We only code the BTE Combo to get the BTE Dribble Score. There are tradational dribbles, a full combo, and a BTE combo.

  • Dribbles = 1, 3, 2, 4
    • Every individual dribble
  • Full Combo = 1324
    • A combo of dribbles within the full sequence of a move
  • BTE Combo = 324
    • The 3 core attacking dribble normally at the end of the sequence to create a move

After watching Coach Adrian this is what I entered as my first line of code.

  • Code

Here are an example of each of the dribbles Coach Adrian did.

  • 3 In & Out dribble where you fake a crossover dribble using one hand
  • 2 Crossover dribble where you change hands with the dribble in front of your body
  • 4 Between the legs where the ball goes from one hand to the other with the ball landing between your legs exchanging hands

Coding Sequence

Create a list

  • This is what a list looks like. Adrian does 1 combo so we add that next into the brackets
  • Combo1 = []

Put your value into the list

  • He does a 3(In & Out dribble), 2(Crossover), 4(Between the legs) BTE combo
  • Combo1 = [324]
  • 324

Multiply the list to get the exact amout of times the trainer does the move

  • He did the 324 BTE Combo 7 times so we multiplied the list times 7 to get our answer for the sequences
  • Combo1 = [324]*7
  • He did the combo 7 times so the combo should be printed 7 times
  • [324, 324, 324, 324, 324, 324, 324) -BTE_Coding_Moves_Answer

Coding BTE Dribble Score

Here is the answer to coding Coach Adrians BTE Dribble Score below.

Create a list

  • This is what a list looks like. Adrian does 1 combo so we add that next into the brackets
  • Combo1 = []

Put your value into the list

  • He does a 3(In & Out dribble), 2(Crossover), 4(Between the legs) BTE combo
  • Combo1 = [3+2+4]
  • 324

Multiply the list to get the exact amout of times the trainer does the move

  • He did the 324 BTE Combo 3 times perfectly so we multiply by that number
  • Combo1 = [3+2+4]*3
  • He did the combo 3 times so the combo should be printed 7 times
  • [9, 9, 9)

Then you have to set everything to Combo1Total

  • Now we are totaling up the score
  • Combo1Total = Combo1 = [3+2+4]*3
  • print(Combo1)

Last you add up the totals through using Combo1Total

  • You use the sum() method to total everything up
  • sum(Combo1Total)

This is his actual answer where he messes up at 4 so his score at 3. So his score is below.

  • 324_MessUp
  • Answer