BTE Moves | New rule

This is a post about a new offensive move I have seen that should be examined.

I love the game of basketball. I see a new rule that needs to be implemented for fouls. Steph Curry is one of my favorite players because he is what I envisioned as the way I would play the game of basketball. With that being said, he has mastered the art of the jump shot.Here is the one and only issue I have with Steph. He is so good at shooting and is so smart that he has learned a secret weapon. If he jumps up for a jump shot, he knows someone is normally jumping in his direction with a hard close out.So Steph, knowing this has practiced off balance shots that make sense for him to get his shot off with small windows of opportunity.His best trick is his ability to flail his body while elevating for a jump shot. He normally does this by jumping and changing his shot into more of a push shot and putting his lower body into the defenders’ targeted space to contest. I do not even think it is on purpose he is just trying to get his shot off most of the time and stops right where the defensive player is going and antispates the contact. We do not perceive him as flopping because it is more like an antisipation of contact and changing his shot because he thinks he may get fouled by stoping in the defenders path to pull up for a shot.

You can not jump into their space so they can land.

You can not touch any part of their body while they are shooting.

You can even foul them after they released the ball.

I also think it is not a rule when shooting a jump shot, but only when going to the basket. So, how would it be a flop while suspended in air? I think we should look at it similar to someone stoping in the lane to get the foul. I think that the fact that Steph Curry has perfected shooting while distorting his body in the air to antispate a defender colliding with him because he is in his line of movement is just crazy. Meaning he is the best shooter of all time no doubt haha. Similar to players that have to use their off-hand when going to the basket to shield and push off the defender or players that stop and jump back into the defender, this should be looked at. As the NBA has become a 3 pointing league over the past couple of years, it is important to develop the rules with the game. I am not taking nothing away from Steph. Just like rules today are because of the way Wilt, Shaq, Jordan, etc. made the league say this person has figured something out about the game that gives them a unique advantage. I think Steph has found that thing.